Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science xxx (2009) xxx–xxx Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Weber number the shorter the time to reach maximum spread. The splash limit is typically determined by Weber number, but Sik-alo and Ganic [11] found an effect of surface roughness on this lim- Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science H. Tan et al./Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 52 (2014) 308–317 309. Understanding the defrosting mechanism of ultrasonic high fre-quency vibration is the prerequisite to realize the optimal ultra- mechanisms, intermittent time and working time of ultrasonic Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 306 P.-Y. Yu et al./Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 54 (2014) 304–312 expansion valve was driven by a stepping motor and the stainless steel valve body sustained a maximum working pressure of
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 34 (2010) 323–329 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science time. It simplifies the data analysis by generating separated files for each test, thus assuring a perfect synchronization of all the Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science S. Derakhshan, A. Nourbakhsh/Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 32 (2008) 1620–1627 1621. There are no empirical equations for the contraction losses and k subsequently. However, Williams [5] assumed: k = 0.9. In turbine impeller outlet, a little no-recovered energy exists in Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science xxx (2012) xxx–xxx establish wet contact during some of the drop spreading time. It has been reported [15] that with the increase in the We zs the drop heat extraction effectiveness increased in both the transition and Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 32 (2008) 1702–1709 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect both time-averaged and time resolved heat transfer measurements at discrete locations on the surface of the cylinder. 2. Experimental rig This research is conducted on an experimental test rig which Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 54 (2014) 290–296 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science determined by calculating the mass increment per unit time. Flow visualization was started after the bubble appearance, and it was conducted with a high-speed CCD camera. The resolution of the Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science xxx (2009) xxx–xxx Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Weber number the shorter the time to reach maximum spread. The splash limit is typically determined by Weber number, but Sik-alo and Ganic [11] found an effect of surface roughness on this lim-
22 Feb 2019 Experimental values for the specific heat, thermal conductivity and viscosity of alumina/water nanofluids are Funding: The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation the literature review was not experimentally measurement the properties 1 Mar 2010 Taylor Flow in Microchannels: A Review of Experimental and Computational Work International Journal of Thermal Sciences 48(2): 234–242. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 28(1): 72–82. “Boundary element analysis of the time-dependent motion of a semi-infinite bubble in a channel. 8 Mar 2017 scientific approaches followed by scientists in heat pipe science. A global review of the recent studies on heat pipes is then fluid, understanding of phase -change heat transfer in thin liquid films and system modelling. experimental devices used to characterise heat pipes, such as neutron radiography. 10 Feb 2011 It was found that the bubble bouncing and the coalescence time, i.e., the time from Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 2019, 104, 199-208. Physical Review Fluids 2019, 4 (4) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.4.043603. This study reports experimental and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) In order to consider the particle agglomeration in the nanofluid during the time of the experiments, the Das, S. K., Choi, S. U. S. and Patel, H. E., Heat transfer in nanofluids - a review. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 42,174 (2012). 16 Mar 2011 Nanofluids are a new class of heat transfer fluids by dispersing nanometer-size measurement times may also increase experimental uncertainties [19, 23]. Review of Scientific Instruments 2010., 81: 074901–1-074901–9.
EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE International Journal of Experimental Heat Transfer, Thermodynamics, and Fluid Mechanics AUTHOR INFORMATION PACK TABLE OF CONTENTS. XXX. • Description • Audience • Impact Factor • Abstracting and Indexing • Editorial Board • Guide for Authors p.1 p.1 p.1 p.2 p.2 p.3 ISSN: 0894-1777